Go Power! GP-RV-80 80-Watt Solar Kit with 30 Amp Digital Regulator

Reviews - Published on Thursday, January 19th, 2017 at 6:08 pm

Go Power! GP-RV-80 80-Watt Solar Kit with 30 Amps Digital Regulator

Why do you want solar power?

In general, there are three reasons people are looking to investing in solar power.

1. They want to save money.
2. They want to save the world.
3. They are afraid of what’s going to happen when the zombies take over the world and destroy the local power plant.

Ok. The last one might be ever so slightly exaggerated or even made up. We’ll never know will we. However, solar power is one of those things that make sense whether you’re dedicated to the environment. Don’t care about the environment, but don’t mind saving a bit of money. Alternatively, you believe the world is going to end in the not so distant future. Either way solar power makes sense. Why?

1. It IS environmentally friendly.
2. It will cut down on your power bill.
3. If the world ends (,but the sun keeps shining) it will still generate power.

The Go Power! GP-RV-80 80-Watt Solar Kit with 30 Amps Digital Regulator is a high-efficiency solar kit. While it is only am 80 watt kit it is amazingly efficient due to the polycrystalline technology it utilizes.

It comes with a 30 amp digital regulator, mounting hardware and all the wiring you need. It can generate 4.6 amps of charging power to your battery per hour, which by all accounts isn’t too bad.

Does all of this make the Go Power! GP-RV-80 80-Watt Solar Kit with 30 Amps Digital Regulator a no brainer? I can’t say. If you truly need to power your entire home, it’s very unlikely to be sufficient. If you need something that will generate enough power to cut down on your utility usage this helps a lot. If you want something with more juice, you will probably have to get another set, but you could also just get multiples of this set.

The flaw with solar power is obviously that it depends on actual sunlight being around. However, technology is constantly evolving and many modern solar power kits can now generate some power even when the weather is cloudy. It will definitely generate less power than it will on Miami Beach in July, but that’s not less than you would expect, and it is something that’s the same with all solar power kits.

The panel is very efficient. One of the reasons is its blue crystal design that helps it catch the sunlight very efficiently.

Does the Go Power! GP-RV-80 80-Watt Solar Kit with 30 Amps Digital Regulator live up to its hype? Will it save you from the zombie invasion? is it worth getting? The answer is this depends on what you need. If you need something that can replace every other power source you use daily, while powering your AC system, your fridge, your freezer and your hair dryer, then no. In that situation you’re probably asking for too much unless you cover your entiure house with solar panels. IF you’re looking for something that will be a good an efficient step in the right direction, then yes I very much recommend the Go Power! GP-RV-80 80-Watt Solar Kit with 30 Amp Digital Regulator.