WordPress – Survey Engage

Readable answers from your customers

How many Surveys have you created so far ? Are you tired of keeping everything in third party services ? It’s time for a change, centralize everything directly into your website. You can create intuitive and easy to use surveys for your visitors in less than 5 minutes, and it will take you even less, to understand the needs of your visitors. Survey Engage is an simple solution which allows you to display surveyzes anywhere on your website, by just using a wordpress short-code


Administration Preview

Survey List

The Survey Engage plugin will allow you to view all your surveyzes and the short-code to use them. From this panel you can easily :

Create a new Survey
View More Information about a specific Survey
Edit the questions and information of a survey
Delete a Survey
Display a Survey

Survey Management

The Survey Engage plugin allows you to easily create and modify any existent surveyzes. Each Survey Question may be

Free Text Field – the user can input anything
Single Selection – the user can chose 1 option from the list
Multiple Selection – the user can chose any number o options from the list
Suggested Free Text – the user can input anything, but can also chose a predefined list of answers
Display a Survey

Statistics, that you can digest

General Overview

We’re crunching all the statistics in some smart graphs which are easily readable in just a few seconds, you can get the big picture, with just one sight. This is the suggested view format if you’re interested into getting a fast one sight impression of what’s the interested of your customers / visitors.

List View

You can view all the entries of your surveyzes with just one click, everything is there and can be easily analyzed by you. This is the suggested view format if you’re interested into getting a personal overview of everyone.

CSV Export View

If you want more flexibility with your data, we offer an 1 click CSV export This is the suggested view format if you’re interested into getting a personal overview of everyone, and using the statistics easier.